As at April 2023, there are three Area Committee Areas in Hull, which are locally define geographical areas which have boundaries coterminous with Hull’s 21 wards. The Area Committee Areas: North Area Committee; East Area Committee; and West Area Committee are illustrated in the map below.

Between May 2018 (when the ward boundaries in Hull changed) and March 2023, there were seven Area Committee Areas in Hull as illustrated below.
Map of Hull showing the 21 wards in Hull
The boundaries of Hull’s wards changed in May 2018 with the boundaries of all wards changing and the number of wards reducing from 23 wards to 21 wards. So prior to this the boundaries of the Area Committee Area boundaries were also different (and one of the Area Committee Areas prior to May 2018 was called North Carr and because this was the name of a new ward in May 2018 the name of this Area Committee Areas was changed to Foredyke).
Map showing the 23 wards in Hull prior to May 2018 (names in blue font and bordered in blue) in relation to the 21 wards after May 2018 (names in black font and displayed in different colours).